Welcome to XHR2 - Blogging on Web Technologies for Bioinformatics, Chemical informatics, Structural Biology and Metabolomics

I too joined forces with the bogging community, primarily because it's sensible for me to keep track of my weekly progress which so far I did in a personal journal or as you may refer to it, ‘the analog log’. My conviction to out myself as a blogger, came from the astonishing percentage of blogs, tutorials and reports which have helped me all this time in solving-problems or in breaking things down to their smallest common denominator. I remember 2002 when I started-out with learning OpenGL solely in blog format from NEHE (some may remember him from the days where he was running his own site). In fact I couldn’t find this site via google amongst the top placed sites anymore. As a last act of desperation to re-discover this site I looked into my google bookmarks and with my first search for ‘opengl’ I got lucky:

Fig 1 – Google bookmarks as an example: clean and lean services made google famous. This picture shows the intended search target is on top, without being bookmarked. Data mining allows google to host intelligent  services ; in this case searching in the context of a personal bookmarks and browsing history

During the writing of this post, I tried to run my early attempts of web interfaces, you know for old time’s sake. These were for instance, a tree browser and accordion containers with extendable and ‘dragable’ boxes which I wrote in 2001. This was an era where the Internet Explorer and its infamous nonstandard features were in its heyday. To make a long story short, after the passing of over a decade none of the examples worked anymore. In 2001 I didn’t bother much about third party browsers, and now, a decade later the situation is reversed. I did not bother enough to install the Internet Explorer to try whether my old code-examples still worked with it. Yes much has changed in browser technology. Much also changed in internet service providers, with google as a brand, even surpassing the brand-recognition of “Coca Cola”. And people do love their coke. Now they also love their google it seems.
The reason I included the screenshot above, is because google’s recipe for success are intelligent services with a lean, clean design.

Unfortunately things don’t look much better for my C++ code examples most don’t run anymore, or are hopelessly outdated not really helping anyone. E.g. a flash javascript api written in 2002 where dragging a slider in javascript synchronized with the one in flash (Great stuff!... if it were 2002). Now flash can communicate seamlessly with javascript and even has become its own platform rending besides vector-graphics also html, 3D, h264 etc. That being said, I felt a surge of warmth for Steve Jobs when he publicly denounced his flash support, backing HTML5. For me, Flash’s biggest problem has always been its proprietary nature, seeing the limited need it fills, as a reason to animate browser developers to integrate these needed features in the form of precise, well worked out standards.

I've always took kindly to the idea of shared and truly open information, and my position on programming-code is aligned with the concept of Open Source, which I just learned could be considered a pragmatic methodology ( not to be confused with pragmatic mythology):
The term open source describes practices in production and development that promote access to the end product's source materials. Some consider open source a philosophy, others consider it a pragmatic methodology. Before the term open source became widely adopted, developers and producers used a variety of phrases to describe the concept; open source gained hold with the rise of the Internet, and the attendant need for massive retooling of the computing source code. Opening the source code enabled a self-enhancing diversity of production models, communication paths, and interactive communities.[1] Source

For me this blog is also an exercise in polishing-up my journal-note-writing and improving code-commenting in order to make the code as accessible for newcomers but also myself. That is when I revisit code that has been neglected for a while.

With this blog I also set out to include coding-unrelated posts, dealing with biological and chemical topics that either caught my interest or are part of my research.
A pooled blog, I believe, is easier to maintaining rather than two blogs. Tags, labels and of course specific searches open plenty of opportunity to quickly reach the intended posts. If this blog ever becomes a blogger's "Evernote" so be it, but at least not on purpose.
My goal is to generally blog on Web Development for Bioinformatics, Chemical Informatics, Structural Biology and Metabolomics. Yet specifically blog on my research as far as permissible (based on some sound not-so-common sense ).

By the way, XHR2 stands for XMLHttpRequest (level 2), which really kicked off AJAX (as well as all the newfound acronymity of Web 2.0). Since my web-projects are based on XHR2, and the domain xhr2.blogspot.comwasn’t taken, I could log off content, thinking “not too shabby for a four letter subdomain,.. could’ve done far worse like IE10

In this meaning welcome, y’all. 